We arrived ib the Uk and started our trip at York as we wanted to drive up the north east coast.We spent three days in york it was very interesting and we enjoyed all the site. I have been many times to York but it was Brian'sfirst time so it was fun showing him all the sites. We woke one morning to a strange sound and saw a hot air baloon coming down on the other side of the hedge.
From there we went to Scarbourgh, again Brian has not done any of this coast so anouther first. We went via Filey andof course it was raining, so this was a quick walk round and back to Bessie, we arrived in Scarbough in the rain but the next morning it was warm and sunny so off we go for the day. This day was our first wedding anneversary so Brian took me for a meal in the Grand hotel.
This was special for me as this is where my Dad was head chef (in the days when it was the grandest hotel in the area) when I was a child and it was the first time I had been in that I can remember.
From here we payed a visit to Robin hood Bay a small coastal village, you had to be good at walking up hills here no wonder there was cafes half way up the hills you needed them.
Jeanette Spain